Необычные задания по английскому языку. Занимательные задания по английскому языку для школьников «Словообразование (Word building)

Словообразование (Word building).

Упражнение 1.

Golf is a very (1) (relax) and (2) (enjoy) sport because you can spend tine in natural surroundings, but it is also one that requires great skill. Learning how to play golf takes a long tine, so you need a lot of (3) (patient). It’s also a rather (4) (expensive) sport because the equipment costs a lot of money, and prices at golf courses can be very high. On the other hand, roller-blading is an (5) (excite) sport and it is easy to learn. It’s fast and fun and keeps you fit because you have to use all your muscles. It’s also cheap because you only need a helmet and a pair of roller-blades. However, roller-blading can be a (6) (danger) sport as you might lose your balance and hurt yourself.

Упражнение 2. Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

One of the world’s endangered species, the rhinoceros, is still being hunted for its horn. The world Wildlife Federation supports (1) _____ (organise) which try to stop the (2) _____ (hunt) by providing vehicles and (3) _____ (equip) for several national parks in Africa. Protected areas have a high fence around them, so rhinos can roam in (4) _____ (safe). The WWF also helps in the (5) _____ (transport) of rhinos from (6) _____ (danger) areas in to the protected ones.

It is very important to lessen the demand for rhino horns. Raising (7) _____ (aware) of the problem is one way to help the situation. Rhino (8) _____ (conserve) is one of the WWF’s main tasks. (9) _____ (hope) the WWF will be able to put a stop to the (10) _____ (acceptable) act of rhino hunting.

Упражнение 3. С omplete the following table.


Verb + preposition




2. tolerance

depend (on)

4. difference


(to / with / on)



Упражнение 4. Complete the following text with the correct derivative of the following words.

Bruce is definitely a sociable man. He has a lot of friends because he is always (1) (cheer), (2) (rely) and ready to help anyone in need. When it comes to (3) (danger) situations, Bruce always acts quite (4) (brave). For example, a few weeds ago he saved a little boy’s (5) (live) by pulling him out of the path of a speeding truck. When it comes to giving advice, he is always very (6) (help) and (7) (support). However, he can be rather (8) (aggresion), especially when he is driving – sometimes he drives so (9) (careless) that his friends are too (10) (fright) to get in the car with him.

Упражнение 5. Complete the table.









Упражнение 6. Form a word that fits in the blank space from the word in capitals. Fill in each gap with the new word.

Some adults admit that teenagers have a great deal of (1)_______ today.

Schools, the media and young people themselves place a lot of (2)_______ on being independent.



The most popular topics for discussion chosen by teenagers are: part-time job, parents reaction to boyfriends or girlfriends, and (3)_______.

Most British parents say that they would like to (4)_______ their children until they reach 16.

A lot of adults (5)_______ about teenage (6)_______ and cruelty.

Schools and the media should give more information about the danger of alcohol (7)_______.






Степени сравнения прилагательных

Упражнение 1 . Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:

Tall, gay, kind, large, pretty, grey, loud, difficult, merry, strange, bad, rich, soft, red, good, clean, expensive, cheap, tall.

Упражнение 2 . Переведите на русский язык:

1. You get up earlier than me. 2. Ben plays football best of all. 3. It is the dirtiest room in the house. 4. You are a better driver than I am. 5. London is older than Moscow. 6. The weather is wetter today. 7. Bob is the best football player. 8. This box is bigger than that. 9. This book is more expensive than that. 10. July is usually the hottest month of the year.

Упражнение 3 . Сравните следующее, употребляя прилагательные в скобках:

Образец : January , February (long). January is longer than February.

1. January, February (short). 2. December, November (cold). 3. Volgograd, Kamishin (big). 4. Volgograd, Moscow (old). 5. The Volga river, the Don river (long). 6. This cat, that dog (small). 7. Summer, spring (hot). 8. This school, that school (high). 9. This book, that book (interesting). 10. July, August (long).

Упражнение 4. Распределите следующие формы прилагательных по колонкам.

a) hotter, the longest, the shortest, clever, silly, greater, more, difficult, better, thin, the biggest, the nicest, less.

b) thick, new, the most importable, more, the fattest, the merriest, taller, weak, interesting, busier, few.




Упражнение 5. Вставьте прилагательные. Используйте сравнительную или превосходную степень.

1. It is (happy) day of my life.

2. The twenty-second of December is (short) day in a year.

3. The Neva is (deep) than the Moscva river.

4. It is (cold) day of the year.

5. The room is (small) of all the rooms in the house.

6. My rhymes are (bad) than yours.

7. Our school is (old) in our town.

8. This dictation is (easy) than that one.

9. Moscow is (large) city in Russia.

10. She is (tall) than her sister.

Упражнение 6. Выберите правильную форму прилагательных.

1. This book is (the most interesting, interestingest) of all I have read this year.

2. My sister speaks English (badder, worse) than I do.

3. Which is (the hottest, hotter) month of the year?

4. Which is (the beautifulest, the most beautiful) place in this part of the country.

5. A train is (faster, the fastest) than a bus.

6. Take some of these sweets: they are very (nicer, nice). They are (nicer, nice) than the sweets in that box.

7. (Tall, the tallest) trees in the world grow in California.

8. This girl is (the goodest, the best) student in our group.

9. Spanish is (the easiest, easier) than German.

10. The Thames is (short, shorter) than the Volga.

Упражнение 7. Почему их животные самые лучшие?

My cat is (big). My cat is the biggest.

My dog is (clever).

My rabbit is (fat).

My parrot is (happy).

My mouse is (pretty).

My fish is (small).

My bird is (beautiful).

Упражнение 8. Use the adjectives in brackets to complete the sentences.

1) Jackets are more expensive than T-shirts. (expensive)

2) My Mum is … my Dad. (tall)

3) Dogs are … cats. (intelligent)

4. Franco is … Marco. (short)

5) My brother is … at sports … I am. (good)

6) My homework is … yours. (bad)

Упражнение 9. Use the comparative of the words in brackets and the words (a bit / a little / much / a lot / fat). Besides, you should use than where necessary.

1) It’s _______ today _______ it was yesterday (a little / warm).

2) A. Did you enjoy your visit to the museum?

B. Yes, I found it _______ I expected (far / interesting).

3) I prefer this armchair. It’s _______ the other one (much / comfortable).

4) You looked depressed this morning but you look _______ now (a bit / happy).

5) This flat is too small for me. I need something _______ (much / big).

6) It’s _______ to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken (a lot / easy).

Упражненеи 10. Fill in “like” or “as”.

1) This house is beautiful. It’s _____ a palace.

2) Ann failed her driving test _____ we expected.

3) Do you think Ann looks _____ her mother?

4) He really gets on my nerves. I can’t stand people _____ him.

5) Why didn’t you do it _____ I told you to do it?

6) “Where does Bill work? He works in a band, _____ most of his friends.

7) He never listens. Talking to him is _____ talking to a wall.

8) Tom’s idea seemed a good one, so we did _____ he suggested.

Упражнение 11. Write sentences with as ___as.

1) Athens is older than Rome. Rome _______.

2) My room is bigger than yours. Your room isn’t _______.

3) You got up earlier than me. I didn’t _______.

4) We played better than them. They didn’t _______.

5) I’ve been here longer than you. You haven’t _______.

Text 1

My family

Correct the spelling.


Our family is small. We are thre e in the family: my m a ther, my father and me. My Dad’s name is Igor Nikolaevitch. He is forty-too years old. My father a teacher. He is very lkever. His favorite sport is shess.

My Mums name is Irina Vladimirovna. Her is rhirty-eigt years old. She is secretary. His hobby is cooking.

I hasm’t got any brathers or sisters but I got a pet. It is a kat colled Fatty. Fatty is my good frend. I love my perents, my pet and we are a happy family.

I’ve a granmother, an unlke, aunt and too kousins. The lousin’s names are Dima and Oleg. They are in the fifth form and the boys is good at math. Their favorite sport is footboll. And we like to play footbool together.


a) Answer the questions about the boy’s family:

1) Is the boy’s family large or small?

2) What is his Dad’s name?

3) What is his father?

4) How old is the boy’s mother?

5) Has she got a hobby?

6) Has the boy got a pet?

7) Who is the boy’s good friend?

8) Are they a happy family?

9) Has the boy got a grandfather?

10) What form are his cousins in?

11) What are the boys good at?

b) Now write the questions about his family:

1) Three.

2) Forty-two.

3) Chess.

4) Irina Vladimirovna.

5) A secretary.

6) Cooking.

7) No, he hasn’t.

8) It is called Fatty.

9) Two cousins.

10) Dima and Oleg.

11) Football.

с ) Rewrite the boy’s story about his family.

His family

The boy’s family is small. They are three in the family: his mother, his father and he. His ____________________________________________





Intensive reading

A become

B became

C were

D was

A started

B startted

C start

D starts

A standed

B standing

C stood

D stooded

A calls

B call

C caled

D called

A appearred

B appear

C appeared

D appeard

A haved

B has

C have

D had

A wore

B worn

C weared

D weard

A think

B thinked

C though

D thought

A not car

B don’t care

C didn’t care

D caredn’t

A like

B liked

C liking

D likes

Text 2

The History of Pizza

The first pizza was like bread with some olive oil (оливковое масло ) and honey ( мед ) on top. A long time ago, there were not any tomatoes in Italy. When tomatoes came to Italy, rich (богатые ) people didn’t eat them. Poor (бедные ) people liked tomatoes and they put them on their pizza. Queen Margherita’s favourite pizza was tomato, cheese and basil. You can still eat this pizza today in any pizza restaurant. We call it pizza “Margherita”.

a) Read it again and put a tick () or a cross ( ).

1) The first pizza had cheese and green peppers on top.

2) There weren’t any tomatoes in Italy a long time ago.

3) Poor people didn’t like tomatoes.

4) Queen Margherita’s favourite pizza was tomato, cheese and bazil.

b) Answer the questions:

1) Do you like pizza?

2) What do you like on your pizza?

3) Do you like cooking?

4) What do you like cooking?


In my city

I am a girl. My name is Kate. I am 10. I am from Russia. I am from Volgograd.

Volgograd is not a little town, it is a big city. You can see many taxis, cars, buses, trolley-buses and trams there. We have many theatres and museums. It is a pity Volgograd has no Zoo. But I like to go to the circus. Many tourist visit our city. They want to see Mamayev Mount – the Memorial to the heroes of Stalingrad Battle. Eternal Flame – the main post of Volgograd children. State museum of Defence. Lenin Avenue – is one of the hero-city’s most beautiful streets.

Now I am at the circus and I am happy. I like to look at the dogs, cats and rare animals.

Welcome to our city.

Now write the answers here.

1. Who is this?

2. What is her name?

3. Where is Kate from?

4. What kind of city is Volgograd?

5. What sights ( достопримечательности )

has got Volgograd?

6. What can you see in Volgograd?

7. What is Volgograd famous for?

8. What is the main post of Volgograd young


9. What street is the most beautiful?

10. Where is Kate now?

11. Why is she happy?

1. This is a girl.

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

9. ________________

10. _______________

11. _______________


Прочитайте текст с описанием пяти домов. Определите, кому они принадлежат. Заполните таблицу, она поможет вам выполнить задание.

There are five houses in High Street. Five families live in those houses. The houses look alike but there are some differences in them.

The Bakers’ house has got three windows upstairs. It’s number I.

The Fords’ house has got two chimneys.

The Deans’ house has got two windows downstairs.

The Cooks’ house has got three windows upstairs.

The Woods’ house has got three chimneys.

The Deans’ house has got the front door between two windows.

The Bakers’ house has got one window downstairs.

The Cooks’ house has got two windows downstairs.

The Woods’ house has got two windows upstairs.

The Fords’ house has got the front door on the left.

The Bakers’

The Fords’

The Cooks’

The Deans’

The Woods’

















front door between two windows.

front door

on the left


Прочитайте рассказ о Томе и его друзьях и заполните таблицу.

My name is Tom. I am a student at the university. I live in a house with my two friends who are also college students. One friend is named Phil and the other is named Sam. We are all different people. I am tall and thin with blonde hair and blue eyes. I am very sociable and talkative. I really enjoy going out to music clubs and parties.

Phil is short and heavy. He is very quiet and serious. He is also very intelligent. He is easy to get along with and at the same time he is a responsible man. He is fond of reading books. He likes to stay home, play computer or sit in a comfortable armchair by the fireplace and watch videos.

Sam is interesting. He is tall with long curly hair. He likes to do dangerous and exciting things. He is fond of sport. Sam is very supportive boy. I know he never betrays me. I can rely on him. Last weekend he went hang gliding. That makes me nervous. We are very different but we get along well.






tall, thin, with blue eyes and blonde hair



going out to music clubs and parties





New Zealand is a sovereign, independent state and a member of the Commonwealth. Its form of government reflects its historical association with Great Britain.

New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The British monarch is the head of state, represented by the governor-general. As in Great Britain, the legislature is called the Parliament. In New Zealand, however, Parliament consists of only a single chamber, the House of Representatives. Its members are elected every three years.

There is universal suffrage for all citizens over the age of 18. In 1893 New Zealand became the first country to give women the right to vote. Elections are conducted on the party bases: the party gaining a majority of Parliamentary seats forms the government. There are 2 major parties: National and Labour. The Prime-minister, who, with appointed ministers, heads the formal Executive Council and the informal but influential Cabinet. The Parliament seats in Wellington in the building which is called The Beehive because of its form.

Executive power is vested in a governor-general, representing the crown, and a Cabinet and Prime-minister.

Executive action nominally is taken on behalf of the governor-general, who is appointed by the British Monarch. The governor-general usually works in concert with the Executive Council, which is composed of the governor-general, the Prime-minister, the ministers heading the various governmental departments.

New Zealand was among the first countries to adopt the secret ballot. The Prime-minister is the leader of the Party in power. Members of Parliament who belong to the party not in power are known as the opposition.

The Constitutional act was adopted in 1986. It defines the relationship between the legislative, executive and judicial roles of government.

Read these statements and decide which of them are True and which are False and tick ( ) one of the boxes to show whether the answer is true or false.



1) New Zealand is a colony of Great Britain

2) The British monarch is the head of state in New Zealand

3) The Monarch’s representative is the governor-general

4) The Parliament represents the legislative branch

5) The Parliament has 2 houses

6) The Prime-minister appoints ministers

7) The Prime-minister is appointed by the Parliament

8) The Executive Council and the Cabinet represent the Executive branch

9) The governor-general is part of the legislative branch

10) The Constitutional act was adopted in 1986


A running commentary

Hello! I’m Harry Fennel with Sports Update . We are now taking you to the Alexandra Park Sports Centre for the match between Orient and Arsenal that most football fans are looking forward to. The commentary will be given by Martin Shaw. Martin?

M.S.: Hello, Harry! We’re just waiting for the teams to come out. And here they are. You can see Larry O’Nell, the Orient captain, leading the team. They are followed by Arsenal, with Bobby King, their captain, at their head. Both teams are in equally good form, and keep on improving .

Now you can watch the players warming up . The stadium is full. Each f а n naturally expects his team to win.

You can hear the referee blow his whistle . The kick-off at last! Harry Grant takes the ball forward . I can see Dick Hunt trying to intercept him, but with no success.

Now Arsenal’s centre-forward has the ball. You can see him trying to take the ball d о wn the field. Oh, he doesn’t notice an Orient back running up to him from behind!

He may lose the ball! He passes it to Bobby Hurst. I wonder why? What does he want Bobby to do? He’s too far off to have a chance of scoring. But Bobby acts without hesitation! Oh, what a magnificent kick! What a beautiful goal! Frankly, I didn’t expect Bobby to score at such a distance! Good for him! Well done , Bobby! Arsenal have opened the score . You can hear the crowd shouting .

Attention! Внимание ! ( Для любителей футбола )

a kick – удар мячом

a free kick – свободный удар

a penalty kick – штрафной удар

a kick-off – введение мяча в игру (с центра поля)

to score – открыть счет, забить гол

He kicked the ball – Он послал мяч

over the sideline – за боковую линию

above (over) the goal – выше ворот

into his goal – в свои ворота

Подберите в тексте английские эквиваленты.

1) Матч, которого все болельщики ждут с нетерпением.

2) Мы как раз ждем, когда появятся команды.

3) А вот и они!

4) Вы видите, как Ларри О’Нил, капитан «Ориента», выводит свою команду.

5) За ними следует «Арсенал».

6) Обе команды в одинаково хорошей форме и продолжают улучшать игру.

7) Каждый болельщик, естественно, ожидает, что победит его команда.

8) Я вижу, как Дик Хант пытается перехватить его, но безуспешно.

9) Он не замечает, что сзади к нему подбегает защитник «Ориента».

10) Он может потерять мяч!

11) Интересно, почему?

12) Он слишком далеко, чтобы иметь шанс открыть счет.

13) действует без колебаний

14) Откровенно говоря, я не ожидал, что он забьет гол с такого расстояния.

15) Молодец! Здорово!

16) открыл счет


Weekly Diary

My week at the beginning of May is very busy. I am going to visit a dentist on the fourth of May. I shall go there at three p.m. I always visit dentist before summer holidays though I am much afraid of dentists.

On the sixth of May I am going to John’s birthday party. John is my cousin. We are great friends.

The party starts at twelve thirty. I think we’ll have much fun. I have already bought him a present. It’s a car model. John has got a large collection of car models. It is his hobby.

On Friday I am going to the theatre with Mary to see a new play by a famous playwright. Mary has bought three tickets. Her sister Sue is coming with us. The performance starts at half past six in the evening. I hope we shall enjoy the play. I like going to the theatres and visit them at least once a month.

On Saturdays I usually visit my sister’s family. They live at 44 Green Street. But on the eighth of May I shall stay at home because my sister is coming to see me.




Monday 3 rd May

2 p.m.

Tennis with Jane

Tuesday 4 th May

Wednesday 5 th

6.30 p.m.

Thursday …

Friday …

Saturday …



RSPCA stands for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It began in 1822 with the Animal Protection Act, which made cruelty to cows, horses and sheep illegal. It is the oldest animal welfare organization in the world. In 1840, Quinn Victoria gave her permission for the organization to be called the RSPCA.

The RSPCA has got 328 inspectors. They investigate cases of cruelty to animals, collect money, pay visits to schools and others places and rescue thousands of animals every year.

There are also RSPCA hospitals and clinics. They treat over 270,000 animals every year, including wild animals. The RSPCA helps to find homes for over 80,000 animals a year! The RSPCA encourages pet owners to take proper care of their animals. It also works to protect farm and wild animals as well as animals that are used for research.

You can phone the RSPCA at any time, day or night, about an animal that is injured or treated cruelly. The RSPCA is a charity and is always working to raise money to help animals in need. Animal lovers с an help by becoming volunteers, or simply by making sure all the animals around them are safe, happy and healthy.

New words:

cruelty – жестокость

prevention – предотвращение

illegal – нелегальный, незаконный

permission – разрешение

investigate – исследовать, расследовать

treat – зд. обращаться (с кем-л.)

encourage – ободрять, поощрять

research – исследование

to be injured – быть раненым, ушибиться, пораниться

volunteer – доброволец

Read and write true (T) or false (F).

1) RSPCA stands for the Right Sort of Prevention and Care for Animals.

2) Quinn Elizabeth I gave her permission for the organization to be called the RSPCA.

3) There are RSPCA hospitals and clinics.

4) You can phone the RSPCA from 9–5 every day.

5) The RSPCA is a charity.


People from all over the world come to Moscow to see its places of interest. The Moscow Kremlin bells attracts a lot of people (all over the world). Read the information below and find out more facts about Kremlin Bells.

Kremlin Bells

The ringing of bells accompanied the whole life of Moscow in ancient times. Bells rang invasions and during the frequent fires, in cases of popular uprisings, and to announce victories or holiday celebrations.

Even today bells ring on the Kremlin’s Spassky Tower.

At present there are 29 ancient bells in the Moscow Kremlin. Some of them hang in the Ivan the Great bell tower and in the buildings around it.

The biggest bell weighting 65 tons and 320 kg can be seen in the embrasure of the “Filaret building” which rises next to the Belfry under a golden dome. The bell is called the Assumption Day Bell. It was cast by Yakov Zavyalov of metal taken from an even older bell which used to hang in the building and was broken when the bell tower blew up in 1812.

The most famous of all bells, the Tzar Bell, stands on the ground at the foot of the Ivan the Great bell tower, and is surrounded by people from morning till night. It’s history in brief is as follows. In 1730 Empress Anna Ivanovna ordered that a bell weighting 9000 poods (126 tons) should be cast. German, the casting master of the French king thought it was a joke. Ivan Motorin, the most famous casting master in Moscow in those days, declared that it was possible.

A special casting pit was dug in Ivanovskaya Square in the Kremlin. The pit was 10 meters deep. Huge amounts of copper, tin and sulphur, as well as 72 kg of gold and more than 500 kg of silver were used.

Ivan Motorin failed to finish the casting and it was completed by his son Mikhail. Apart from all kinds of ornaments found on the bell, there is the following inscription: “This bell was cast by Russian craftsman Ivan Motorin, the son of Fyodor Motorin, and his son Mikhail Motorin”.

The casting was successful and finally the bell stood ready to be lifted on an iron grating. During a very bad fire that raged in the Kremlin on May 29, 1737, the wooden building above the pit caught fire. People rushed to extinguish the flames and poured water onto the burning log that had fallen into the pit. Due to uneven and fast cooling the metal cracked out and a fragment weighing 11,5 tons broke off.

The bell remained in the pit for a hundred years. In the 19 th century it was hoisted onto a white stone pedestal for public observation.

Here are a few statistics about the dimensions and weight of the giant. It is 6,14 metres high, has a diameter of 6,6 metres, and weighs 202 tons and 924 kg. Hence its name – the Tzar Bell.

New words:

uprising [ ʌ p"raizi ŋ ] – восстание ,

in brief – вкратце ,

belfry – колокольня ,

cast – лить, отливать,

Assumption [ ǝ" s ʌ mp ʃǝ n] Day – день Успения ,

dome – купол , свод ,

blow up – взрывать .

1. Match Russian and English phrases (see the table).

1. Bells rang for invasions and during the frequent fires.

2. Some of them hang in the Ivan the Great bell tower.

3. Its history, in brief, is as follows.

4. A special casting pit.

5. The bell stood ready to be lifted on an iron grating.

6. Due to uneven and fast cooling.

7. The bell remained in the pit for a hundred years.

а) Из-за неравномерного и быстрого охлаждения.

б) Специальная яма для отливки.

в) Колокола звонили в случае нападения и во время частых пожаров.

г) Колокол оставался в яме в течение сотни лет.

д) Его история вкратце следующая.

е) Колокол стоял готовым для подъема на железную решетку.

ж) Некоторые из них висят на колокольне Ивана Великого.

2. Say the following phrases in Russian.

1) The ringing of the bells accompanied the whole life of Moscow in ancient times.

2) Even today bells ring on the Kremlin’s Spassky Tower.

3) The biggest bell weighing 65 tons and 320 kg can be seen in the embrasure of the “Filaret building”.

4) Which used to hang in the building.

5) i s surrounded by people.

6) Ivan Motorin failed to finish the casting.

3. Fill in the blanks with adjectives.

times, … fires, … uprising, the … bell, a … dome, … a pit, the … inscription, the … building, … cooling.

4. Find the derivatives in the text.

Example: built – building.

r ing, celebrate, weight, gold, cast, success, wood, cool.

5. What is the English for:

победа, колокольня, подножие, отливать, вкратце, яма, олово, не сумел закончить, кроме, железная решетка, подъем, тушить, отсюда.

6. Fill in the missing words:

1) Bells rang for … and during the … fires, in case of popular …

2) Some of them hang in the Ivan the Great …

3) In 1730 … Anna Ivanovna ordered that … weighing 9000 … should be …

4) Huge amounts of … and more than 500 kg of … were used.

5) People rushed … the flames and … water onto the burning … that had … into the pit.

7. Choose the correct word.

1) Bells (ring, rang, had rung) for invasions and during the frequent fires.

2) Even today bells (ring, rang, had rung) on the Kremlin’s Spassky Tower.

3) The biggest bell can (be seen, saw, see) in the embrassure of the “Filaret building”.

4) The Tzar Bell stands at the foot of the Ivan the Great bell tower and (is surrounding, is surrounded) by people.

5) A special casting pit (was dig, was dug, dug) in Ivanovskaya Square in the Kremlin.

6) The bell (remained, was remained, had been remained) in the pit for a hundred years.


Intensive reading

Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

When the Beatles (1) _____ famous in the early 1963s, young people (2) _____ to let their hair grow and were known as hippies. Later, with songs like “All you need is love”, and “Give piece a chance”, the Beatles and hippies in general (3) _____ for peace and understanding. In America people (4) _____ this movement “Flower power”. However, in Britain skinheads (5) _____ braces, T-shirts and big Doc Marten’s boots, which some ugly people (8) _____ looked ugly, but the skinheads (9) _____ what older people thought. In fact they (10) _____ making the older generation angry.


A become

B became

C were

D was


A started

B startted

C start

D starts


A standed

B standing

C stood

D stooded


A calls

B call

C caled

D called


A appearred

B appear

C appeared

D appeard


A haved

B has

C have

D had


A wore

B worn

C weared

D weard


A think

B thinked

C though

D thought


A not car

B don’t care

C didn’t care

D caredn’t


A like

B liked

C liking

D likes


Reading (Intensive).

1. Read an article about using computers in schools. Guess whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), then read the text and see if your guesses were correct.

a) Computers help you communicate with others.

b) Computers can definitely replace teachers.

c) Headmasters refuse to equip schools with computers.

2. For question 1–15, choose from the people (A–F). Some of the people may be chosen mare than once.


says that students use their PCs to communicate with each other?

used a computer to read old newspapers?

needed to learn to read before he could play a computer game?

thinks pupils can use the Internet without any difficulty?

doesn’t always understand explanations in class?

says that computers as teachers would be very boring?

used a computer to fill in an application form?

used a computer to get information about an oil spillage?

get both fun and practical help from the computer?

uses a computer for extra help at home?

contacted environmental opganisations with the use of a computer?

don’t believe computers can replace teachers?

prefers computer printed work to hand written work?

is writing an essay with the help of a PC?

Intensive Reading.

The Wired-up School.

Churchill Community School in Somerset is a place where pupils and staff have mastered the art of getting what they want out of their computers. Like many school boys, Philip Eagle and his friends enjoy making paper aeroplanes. The only difference is that these boys are being given tips by a computer. “It’s physics, aeronautics and education”, insists Philip. He forgets to add that it’s also a pleasant way of passing the time during the morning break. He is currently working on his personal statement for the UCAS university Entrance form. “I’ve word-processed it so I can get more words into the space on the form apart from that, it looks much better type-written”.

He is one of the many pupils at Churchill Community School who have chosen to spend their twenty minutes of freedom on the learning resource centre. Here they can borrow books, do last-minute homework, catch up on gossip or take a turn on one of the computers that are always available for them to use.

Students use the computers for a wide variety of tasks. Ian Blomfield , for example, used a CD-ROM of back-issues of The Times and Sunday Times; along with the electronic encyclopedia Encarta, to find out about environmental damage caused by oil-tanker disasters. But he was able to go a step further. He used E-mail to pick the brains of campaigners and Friends of the Earth. “There was no other way we could have got such up-to-date information”, he says.

Because of a technologically advanced link to the Internet, twenty-eight computers can remain permanently on line. Cliff Harris , the school’s computer technician, explains that pupils can use the Internet as easily as any piece of software. “A lot of students are likely to have a PC at home in their room”, he adds. “They go home and have conversations with their schoolmates on the Internet”.

Most children seem to use their PC in a way that would please any teacher. Charles Palmer , who can also be found in the resource centre at break-time, says, “I didn’t exactly learn to read using a computer, but it was the adventure game Monkey Island that made me really want to learn. If I couldn’t read what was on the screen, I couldn’t play the game”. Charles also uses his PC for designing his family’s Christmas cards.

Helen Brown finds that her PC is an invaluable home tutor that can offer her that little extra bit of help. “Sometimes there are things in Algebra or Biology that teachers only go over once, and I don’t understand them. but I can use a program I’ve got at home which explains it again and again until I do understand it!”. However, she isn’t impressed by the possibility of computers replacing teachers. “You can’t ask a computer questions”, she says. “It just asks you”.

Her view seems widely shared. “It would be totally boring”, says Chris Richmond . “You’d switch the machine off, or switch off yourself”. Nevertheless, he is currently using his PC to Write an article on passive smoking and claims that he is being given the chance to write the best essay he could possibly write with the use of his computer.

Pupils without access to a computer at home are obviously at some disadvantage. The school tries hard to make up for this. They want all pupils to have a chance to take advantage of this valuable, interesting – and often fun – form of technology.


Choose the most suitable heading from the list A–H for each part (1–6).

There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

The creatures that time forgot


The process of evolution has been very hard on some creatures. Just think of dinosaurs along with many other species, they were unable to adapt to the changing environment and as a result, died out. But sometimes members of a species have managed to hide away and live on. Meat-eating sponges, coelacanths and the white salamander are three such creatures.


The remarkable thing about these three creatures is that they have not changed for millions of years. They have remained hidden away in some of the darkest under-water places on earth. These are caves which, until now, have not been properly explored; they lack light and food and the creatures that live in them have had to struggle to survive.


The most exotic of these creatures lives deep in an underwater cave in Europe. It is the while salamander which is a member of a species 350 million years old – older than the dinosaurs. Over the last 20 million years, it has been driven to isolated places in order to escape being hunted. The underwater cave was the ideal place. In fact the salamander managed to hide so successfully that the first sighting wasn’t reported until 1689.


The salamander is usually a pale, milky colour and it is almost blind. It can live for up to 100 years, and can apparently live decades without food. The salamander is under threat, though as a result of pollution in underground rivers. Scientists have had problems trying to raise salamanders, so they have created a laboratory in underwater caves in order to do this.


In equally dark caves under the sea, there has been an even more surprising discovery: a sponge that eats meat. It was discovered in a cave that was flooded 7000 years ago. The water is cold and still and has no nutrition. Faced with this lack of food that other sponges take from the water, this species started catching tiny sea animals like shrimps and prawns and eating them. This was the only way this strange creature could survive.


The most famous of all these creatures, however, is the coelacanth. This ancient fish has lived in the sea for more than 300 million years. Until 1938, scientists thought it had died out a long time before. Then one was caught in the Indian Ocean. This fish has fins which resemble legs, and these have not changed for millions of years. A recent study showed that, unlike other fish, it lives and breeds in caves and the only time it ventures out is for food.


Because of fishing and tourism, the coelacanth is in great danger of dying out. Experts say there are only about 200 of them left. It seems that the isolation which protected these ancient creatures for millions of years is no more. Humans are, of course, the biggest threat to them, and now that their secret places have been discovered, they have nowhere left to go.

A A completely new species

B Surviving unchanged

C The threats people pose

D Changing eating habits for survival

E Exceptions to extinction

F Hiding from hunters

G Saving ancient lives with science

H A surprising reappearance


Read the text, and then write questions to the answers.

Life is like a Cafeteria

A friend’s grandfather came to America from Eastern Europe. After being processed at Ellis Island, he went into a cafeteria in lower Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat dawn at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order. Of course nobody did. Finally, a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and informed him how a cafeteria worked.

Start out at that end”, she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay’.

I soon learned that’s how everything works in America”, the grandfather told a friend. “Life’s a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. You can even get success, but you’ll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get if yourself”.


1) A cafeteria (What…)

2) America (Where…)

3) He wanted to get something to eat (Why…)

4) Nobody did (Did…)

5) A woman (Who…)

6) He had to go along the line (What…)

7) At the end of the line (Where…)

8) Anything (What…)

9) Never (Will…)

10) To get up and get if (What…)

Задания для развития познавательной активности учащихся

Задание 1

Пройдите по лабиринту так, чтобы собрать дорогу из всех букв английского алфавита по порядку. Начало и конец пути обозначены цветными клетками. Ходить можно только по горизонтали и вертикали, но не по диагонали.

Задание 2

Найдите слова, спрятанные в других. (Например, в абрикосе можно найти

машину: APRICOT – CAR). Предлагаем вам отыскать:

А) Месяца, внутри которых прячутся…

1) олень, 2) сапог, 3) ягода.

B) Дни недели, в которых можно найти:

1) звезду, 2) море, 3) фею.

Days: 1) star – Saturday, Thursday 2) sea – Tuesday, Wednesday 3) Friday – fairy

Задание 3

Возьмите первую букву из названия каждого животного, изображенного на картинке, и составьте ключевое слово.

Cow, lion, ant, squirrel, snake, rhino(ceros), octopus, owl, monkey – classroom.

Задание 4

Прочитайте зашифрованную загадку на английском языке. Запишите её и дайте ответ на вопрос.

It is a fruit, it’s not a flower. It is yellow and very sour. What is it? (Словаотраженысверхувниз).

Задание 5

Какие слова нужно заменить, чтобы рассказ не казался странным? Исправьте их на подходящие.

Every day I go for a walk with my elephant. His name is Jim, and I lie him very much. He is black and small. Jim is fluffy and has a long eye. He likes to play with a ball. He can fly very fast! He is very clever and I’m training him to give me his head. Jim is my best father.”

Every day I go for a walk with my dog/puppy. His name is Jim, and I like/love him very much. He is black and small. Jim is fluffy and has a long tail/body. He likes to play with a ball. He can run very fast! He is very clever and I’m training him to give me his paw. Jim is my best friend .

Задание 6







Sister, daughter, mother, aunt, brother, father, son, husband. Обобщающее слово: family .

Задание 7

Решите примеры и впишите ответ буквами в клеточки напротив знака «равно». Из букв в выделенных ячейках составьте ключевое слово и также запишите его в ответ. Внимание: клеточек может быть больше, чем букв!

ключевое слово house

Задание 8

Из букв предложенных фраз составьте ответы на них, в каждом ответе используя все буквы фразы. В первом случае ответом будет слово с артиклем, а во втором – слово с местоимением.

1) the eyes; 2) this ear.

Задание 9

Определите, какие цвета нужно записать в каждой строке. Некоторые буквы уже указаны. В выделенных клетках сложится ключевое слово, с помощью которого определите, какое из вписанных слов лишнее.

Red, orange, violet, green, blue, yellow, brown. Ключевое слово – rainbow. Лишнее слово – brown – это не цвет радуги.

Задание 10

Перед вами – описание мальчика по имени Джек. Восстановите порядок слов в каждом предложении. Нарисуйте мальчика, не упуская ни одной детали. Подчеркнутые вместе слова должны стоять рядом.

a Jack has face round. curly hair is His dark and. He blue big has eyes and nose small a. tall Jack is. wears He shirt green a, trousers brown and cap red a. shoes His black are. a in holds yellow his hand bag Jack.

Jack has a round face. His hair is dark and curly. He has big blue eyes and a small nose. Jack is tall. He wears a green shirt, brown trousers and a red cap. His shoes are black. Jack holds a yellow bag in his hand.

Задание 11

Придумайте свою необычную страну, в которой все жители умеют делать что-то необычное (например, летать, или дышать под водой). Напишите небольшой рассказ об этой стране на английском языке: что умеют её жители, для чего им это может пригодиться, что они делают каждый день, и так далее. Объем рассказа – не более 15 предложений. Оцениваться будет необычность и оригинальность истории, а также знание английского языка.


I want to tell you about a small country. It`s so small that it even has no name. It is situated on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, far from all other islands. The people of this country are very small men. Their skin is yellow. They have small but very strong wings. The wings help them to fly very far. They fly only when no one is watching them. Beautiful flowers grow on this tiny island. The petals of these flowers are of different colors. People become twice as kind if they breathe in the pollen of these flowers. At night a little man flies over the cities of our planet and spreads this pollen so that our world would become a little kinder.

Задание 12

Разделите каждую строчку на два слова – названия профессий.

Буквы каждого слова идут в правильном порядке.

Например: Teacher T D E O A C C T HE O R R Doctor



1. Driver, pilot

2. Actor, singer

4. Butcher, builder

5. Policeman, postman

Задание 13

Выпишите из каждой последовательности буквы, названия которых не рифмуются с первой.

1. E, F, B, D, T

2. A, H, J, K, Q

5. B, C, D, E, G, J, P, S, T, V.

1. F (потому что все остальные предложенные буквы заканчиваются на звук .

2. H , Q (потому что все остальные предложенные буквы заканчиваются на звук .

3. R [ɑ :] (потому что все остальные предложенные буквы заканчиваются на звук .

4. V (потому что все остальные предложенные буквы заканчиваются на звук .

5. J , S (потому что все остальные предложенные буквы заканчиваются на звук .

Задание 14

Переведите слова из таблицы на английский язык.

Какое из получившихся слов нельзя составить из букв на воздушных шариках?

Летучая мышь


нельзя составить слово LAMP, поскольку шарика с буквой «М» не было.

Задание 15

Отгадайте слова по их описанию. В скобках указано количество букв в слове.

1. _____ It’s a place where you can buy bread and cakes. (6)

2. _____ It’s a place where you can see famous pictures and sculptures. (6)

3. _____ It’s a place where people receive medical treatment. (8)

4. _____ It’s a place where children go to study new things. (6)

5. _____ It’s a place where you can borrow or keep money. (4)

6. _____ It’s a place where sport matches take place and people can watch it. (7)

7. _____ It’s a place where you can eat delicious food. (10)

1) bakery, 2) museum, 3) hospital, 4) school, 5) bank, 6) stadium, 7) restaurant

Задание 16

Одно произведение останется без пары, запишите имя его создателя.

1) The Jungle Book

3) The Hound of the Baskervilles

4) Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland

5) The Picture of Dorian Gray

6) The Gift of the Magi

7) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

8) Three Men in a Boat

9) Ten Little Niggers

10) Gulliver"s Travels

a) Arthur Conan Doyle

b) Agatha Christie

d) Charles Dickens

f) Jonathan Swift

g) Rudyard Kipling

h) Lewis Carroll

i) Jerome K. Jerome

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde.

Задание 17

У какого числа нет «двойника»? Запишите это число прописью.

880 80 881 810 818 18 188 81

801 811 180 88 118

Eight hundred and ten, eighty-eight, one hundred and eighteen, eight hundred and eighteen, eight hundred and eighty-one, eighteen, eight hundred and eleven, eighty-one, eight hundred and eighty, one hundred and eighty-eight, one hundred and eighty, eighty.

eight hundred and one

Задание 18

Решите необычные анаграммы с названиями частей тела и получите английские названия профессий. Например,

NOSE + рычать + TM = nose roar tm = ASTRONOMER

1. LIP + океан + M = ?

2. ARM + возраст + N = ?

3. EAR + арендовать + PC = ?

4. RIB + дождь + LA = ?

5. HEAD + подниматься + SRR = ?

1) policeman, 2) manager, 3) carpenter, 4) librarian, 5) hairdresser

Задание 19

Используя слово “kitten”, составьте:

1. повествовательное предложение;

2. газетный заголовок;

3. альтернативный вопрос;

4. приказ;


1. I would like to have a kitten at home. 2. “Big Kitten Show”. 3. Do you want to have a kitten or a puppy?

4. Feed the kitten!»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку, 5-7 класс

Спортивно-интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку «Веселые старты».

Воронцова Анастасия Александровна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Место работы: МБОУ «Вознесенская СОШ» Приморского района Архангельской области
Описание: Предложенная игра была проведена среди учащихся среднего звена. Упростив задания, мероприятие можно провести и среди учащихся начальной школы. Внеклассное мероприятие проводилось в рамках «Недели английского языка». Игра построена по принципу спортивных веселых стартов, когда соревнуются две команды. В данном случае команды (дети) не только выполняют определенные спортивные движения, упражнения, но и интеллектуальные задания по английскому языку. Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия будет интересен учителям английского языка.
Цели и задачи:
- создать условия, способствующие развитию творческого потенциала, интеллектуальной и эмоциональной сферы личности;
- применение изученной лексики в нестандартной ситуации, расширение словарного запаса;
- развивать коммуникативно-игровые способности у учащихся, навыки работы в команде;
- развивать и тренировать познавательные процессы, языковую догадку, смекалку;
- воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета;
- воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу;
- воспитывать настойчивость и упорство в достижении цели.
Оборудование: спортивный инвентарь (мячи, скакалки, листы картона, свисток), две парты, карточки с заданиями, ручки для каждой команды.
Подготовительный этап: За несколько дней до игры дети были распределены учителем на две команды. Учащимся необходимо было придумать название команды и выбрать капитана.
Ход мероприятия:
Правила игры:
Игра проводится в спортзале или в кабинете, если позволяют его размеры.
На «Финише», т.е. у дальней стены спортзала для каждой команды стоит своя парта, до которых участники по очереди, добегают, выполняют задания, возвращаются назад и передают эстафету следующему участнику команды.
Задания и условия каждого этапа объясняет учитель, он же и следит за выполнением заданий. Выполненные задания проверяет жюри и считает баллы. Баллы можно начислять как за правильные ответы, так и за быстроту выполнения.
Количество этапов, их последовательность, задания могут варьироваться по усмотрению учителя.
Начало игры:
Построение команд: участники строятся в колонну по одному, друг за другом. Объяснение правил игры. Каждый этап эстафеты начинается по свистку.
1 этап. Добежать до «Финиша», выполнить задание и вернуться обратно.
Задание: THE CODE. (Шифр).
При помощи шифра (Приложение 1) каждый член команды разгадывает слово. (Слова могут быть связаны одной темой, или в каждом слове должно быть одинаковое количество букв). Количество слов должно быть равно количеству участников команды.
Пример зашифрованных слов:

2 этап. Допрыгать до финиша, зажав мяч между ног. Вернуться назад бегом.
Задание: THE WORDS. (Составить слова).
У каждой команды на листе находится слово DEMONSTRATION.
Каждому участнику необходимо составить по слову, используя буквы главного слова. Это может быть любое слово. Повторять слова уже написанные другим участником команды нельзя. Использовать буквы только из слова, не добавлять свои и не дублировать букву. Например: on, start, monster и т.д.
3 этап. Используя скакалку допрыгать до «финиша». Вернуться назад бегом.
Задание: ENGLISH PROVERBS. (Английские пословицы).
Соотнести английские пословицы с русским переводом. (Приложение 2). Учитель совместно с жюри подсчитывает итоги этого этапа.
4 этап. «Болото». Используя два листа картона, перекладывая и ступая только на них, добраться до «финиша». Вернуться назад бегом.
Задание: WRONG WORD. (Лишнее слово).
Как можно быстрее найти и вычеркнуть в каждой строке лишнее слово.
1. museum, cinema, ship, hotel, shop, school.
2. yellow, brown, grey, green, sky, black.
3. nine, butter, cheese, bread, milk, tea.
4. fruit, grass, flower, tree, plant, egg.
5. brother, sister, mother, uncle, visitor, father.
6. arm, baby, nose, foot, eyes, head.
7. cat, dog, horse, cow, wolf.
8. doctor, friend, teacher, actor, manager.
9. orange, black, yellow, green, dog, white.
10. lemon, tree, orange, banana, apple, plum.
5 этап. Бежать спиной вперёд. Вернуться назад так же.
Задание: A LITTLE TRIP (Страноведение).
Соединить названия стран с их столицами. Каждое слово напечатано на отдельной карточке. Один участник – одна страна.
Russia – Moscow
USA – Washington D.C.
England – London
Australia – Canberra
New Zealand – Wellington
Canada – Ottawa
Scotland – Edinburgh
6 этап . Допрыгать на одной ноге.
Задание: YOUR PLACE (Твое место)
На столе для каждой команды лежат одинаковые карточки с группой слов. На стене предварительно наклеены листы со словами: family, sport, profession, countries, rivers, capitals, continents, months. По одному участнику от каждой команды подбегают к столу и одновременно берут карточку, читают слова, принадлежащие к одной группе, и добегают до правильного листа ключевым словом. Побеждает та команда, у которой все участники быстрее встанут у правильных слов.
1. sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, uncle. ГРУППА - family
2. swimming, rugby, baseball, tennis, football. ГРУППА - sport
3. waiter, office-worker, lawyer, policeman, teacher. ГРУППА - profession
4. France, the USA, China, the UK, Russia. ГРУППА - countries
5. Ottawa, Canberra, Paris, Washington, London. Moscow. ГРУППА - capitals
6. South America, North America, Africa, Australia. ГРУППА - continents
7. the Thames, the Volga, the Yenisei, the Hudson. ГРУППА - rivers
8. August, December, October, July, March. ГРУППА – months

Подведение итогов. Объявление результатов игры.

Приложение 1.

Приложение 2.
A cat in gloves catches no mice. - Без труда не вытащишь рыбку из пруда
Know a man by his company. - Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты.
It’s never too late to learn. - Век живи, век учись.
There is no place like home. - В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
All is well that ends well. - Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
Time is money. - Время – деньги.

Иногда не так уж и просто подобрать интересные творческие задания для эвристических олимпиад по предмету. Участвуя в конкурсе «Дистанционный учитель года – 2009», центр «Эйдос», г. Москва я, в рамках данного конкурса, разработала ряд заданий по английскому языку для различных возрастных групп учащихся.

Эвристические задания помогают не только определить уровень знания предмета учащимися, но проявить творчество, оригинальность, смекалку. А главное – здесь нет готовых ответов. Каждый ученик сам решает, как ему стоит выполнить данное задание.

Задания для возрастной группы: 10-11-е классы

1. There are different holidays in the world. Some of them are state, others are personal (family, main events in your life, etc). Create your new holiday in Russia. (When and why is it celebrated? What are pros and cons for it? How it is called? What attributes and decoration does it need? etc.

2. Do you know the story about “Sandford Orcas Manor”?

Next to the church in the village of Sanford Orcas there is an old gatehouse. If you go through the gate you arrive at the sinister manor house which is famous for its large number of ghosts. But perhaps the most frighten story is of a young man who grew up in the house and then became a sailor. While he was at sea, he killed a boy, and then went mad. When he returned to Sanford Orcas, they locket him in a room at the back of the house. He never left the room again, and died there several years later. On some nights when the moon is full, you can hear him screaming and banging on the door of the room. Why does he do it? Now, imagine that you are this man . Try to explain us your thoughts, emotions and feelings, as if you are this ghost.

3. Do you know poems about Russia?

In Russian Literature there are a lot of them. Such for example: “ An anthem to Russia” by E. Evtushenko

Будь, Россия, навсегда Россией!
И не плачь, припав к другим на грудь!
Будь свободной, сильной и красивой!
Даже, если нас не будет – Будь!...

I’ve translated these lines into English:

Be Russia! Be forever!
And don’t cry when happens whatever!
Be strong and powerful my dear land!
Much happiness to you I send!
Oh, Russia, dear Russia!
God shed his grace on thee!
And in the case we aren’t exist
In spite of this you’ll be!

Now, try to write your own rhyme about our great country, or to translate some lines of Russian poets into English.

4. Write in column your first name

Explain each letter in it in your variant. Explain us why you think so.


Emotion (I think, I’m such a person because…)

5. “Personal problems”

You are a journalist of the youth magazine. You’ve received such a letter:

“Last year, my girlfriend wanted to take a business course but she didn’t have enough money. Her parents couldn’t help, so I lent her the money. Now she’s finished the course, and has found a good job, but she hasn’t offered to pay me back any of the money. I’ve mentioned once or twice, but she just laughs and talks about something else. I love my girlfriend, but I want my money back too”.
Now think over this problem and give a writing answer of this problem in your magazine to this young man.

Задание для 8-9-х классов

1. Every country has its own sights of view. People are proud of them, because such things are a part of history and culture of the country. Fill the table and compare what is alike in Moscow (Russia) and London (Great Britain) sights.

The Trafalgar square

2. “The food we like to eat in Russia”

Imagine that you are a chef in a good Russian restaurant. Try to write your recipe of Russian dish. Look this variant:
“Chicken “Tabaka” from the Caucasus”
Chicken “Tabaka” is roasted under the press for an hour. Before placing it on the frying pan rubs it with salt, pepper, garlic and cut greens. Enjoy it!

3. Translate this poem into Russian. Try to give a poetical translation

“A man is made”

A man is made
Of flesh and blood
Of eyes and bones and water.
The very same things make his son
As those that make
His daughter.
A tree is made
Of leaf and sap,
Of bark and fruit and berries.
It keeps a bird’s nest
In its boughs
And blackbirds eat the cherries.
A table’s made
Of naked wood
Planed smooth as milk. I wonder
If tables ever dream of sun,
Of wind, and rain, and thunder?
And when man takes
His axe and strikes
And sets the sawdust flying –
Is it a table being born?
Or just a tree that’s dying?

4. “The most striking things”

At first read this short conversation:

– What struck you most on your travels?
– Other people’s umbrellas.
But what are the most striking things for you? Write a short composition about 3 – 5 of them.

Use your dictionary and translate idiomatically these word expressions:

  1. get cold feet;
  2. go through the roof;
  3. bury your head in the sand;
  4. have butterflies in your stomach;
  5. break the ice;
  6. be over the moon;
  7. break someone’s heart.

Write English sentences and use these idioms.

Задания для учащихся 6-7-х классов

1. Аll of us have some wishes. We wish about new things, feelings, position, etc.
I tried to write a rhyme about my dreams, using a grammar structure: “I wish I had…” Here it is:

I wish I had a gold fish,
A parrot and a hamster,
I wish I had a walkman,
And bicycle one.
I wish I had a computer and a cassette-recorder…
But I’m press for money, and nothing can be done!

Use this grammar structure “I wish I had” and create your own rhyme about your dreams.

2. “Tolerance with people”

I think that tolerance helps you to make friends. Tolerance means to respect other people’s likes and dislikes, opinions and beliefs.
It also means not to start an argument over something you disagree with.
A tolerant person is a person, who is fair and not makes fun on people. He is kind, helpful, kind-hearted, thoughtful and more.

Task: ask your friends and make up 7 questions for the form: “You are tolerant – yes or no”

Ex: 1. Can you share your pocket-money with your friend?

3. It is usual in America to stick some notes and cards on the fridge. These are the variants of two notes. Read them and create your own “Family rules”. Write about 6 sentences.


“Family goals”

– We want to be a loving family.
– We want to be alert at school and work, etc…

“Family rules”

– We will always be home by 10 o’clock.
– We will not do anything that will lead to immorality. Etc…

4. Our mood can be different in different days. It can change like the weather. Try to describe your mood, as if it is one of the seasons of the year. Write about 6-7 sentences, using adjectives concerning the weather.

5. “Ten the most intelligent animals”

Do animals think, or do they act merely from instinct?
These questions have been debated by many people. Dr. Blair has worked with animals for many years. What does he think?
“It is my judgment that all animals think”, said Dr. Blair, formerly director of the New York Zoological Park, who has spent many years as a companion of animals. “When we see animals showing affection, sympathy, jealousy or anger can we doubt that there are thoughts accompanying these feelings?”
Dr. Blair believes that the ten most intelligent animals are:

  • the chimpanzee;
  • the orangutan;
  • the elephant;
  • the gorilla;
  • the dog;
  • the beaver;
  • the horse;
  • the sea lion;
  • the bear;
  • the cat.

Imagine that you are speaking at the scientific conference. Choose one animal from this list. Try to give many arguments as you can, proving the idea that this animal is really the most intelligent.

Задания для 3-5-х классов

1. Read this rhyme and try to translate it into Russian in a poetry form. Try to give the readers all details of the rhyme.

Cats sleep anywhere,
Any table, any chair.
Top of piano, window-edge,
In the middle on the edge.
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody’s lap will do.
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard with your frocks –
They don’t care!
Cats sleep anywhere.

2. As you know, friends like to visit each other at home. It’s a good tradition to treat the guests with something delicious. Make a holiday menu for your friend Winnie – the – Pooh.

3. Our life is boring without friends. Do you know a phrase: “Friendship is a thing for two, three or four, even more…?” This is a rhyme about my friend:

My friend’s name is Jessie.
She’s smart but a little messy.
She looks like Jane Fonda,
Who is she fond of?
She’s funny and very kind.
She likes me too! And I don’t mind!

Now try yourself and write you rhyme about your friend in English.

4. Try to explain each letter in the word “English”.

E – Educated
I – intelligent
D – different

5. You are a doctor. Give some advises to Karlson, because he is ill. Tell him what he can or must do to be well.
Explain him what he mustn’t do in this case.

Задания для 2-х классов

1. “A sentence chain”
Make such a sentence, when the last letter in the word will be the beginning of the next one. Make 5 such sentences.

Example: A caT T akeS S ausage.

2. Using Russian and English sentences make up a rhyme.

Я вижу солнце – I see sun.
Оно разгуливает по небесам.
Я вижу звёзды – I see stars.
На них смотрел я много раз.

3. Imagine that you see a big cloud. On this cloud you can read a word – FORECAST (прогноз погоды). Try to make as many new words as possible from this one. Use only the letters giving in this word. (Don’t use one letter twice in one word). These new words are drops of rain.

Example: cat – кот, etc.

4. You know that your friend has a strange pet. Ask some questions about it and then draw a picture of this animal, as you see it.

5. As you know each color has its meaning. Read the text about colors and then choose one you like best of all and write English words which can be of this color.

Психолог Дж. Люшер проделал большую работу по изучению значения цвета для человека. И вот к каким выводам он пришёл:

Красный – активность, творчество, преодоление старого, стремление проявить своё.
Розовый – инфантильность, мягкость.
Зелёный – служение, помощь, доброта, согласие, взаимодействие.
Синий – покой, открытость.
Голубой – чистота и целомудрие, успокоение, умиротворение.
Желтый – оптимизм, проявление разумного начала, конструктивность.
Оранжевый – символ развития, направленности на успех.
Фиолетовый – тайна, волшебство.
Коричневый – символ тревоги, зависти, неудовольствия.
Серый – пассивность, скромность.
Белый – безупречность, чистота.
Чёрный – критика, осуждение.

Работу с учебниками и объяснение грамматики никто не отменял, но и их тоже хочется разнообразить чем-то необычным и веселым!

#Teachaholic предлагает 5 забавных и немного сумасшедших заданий, которые однозначно порадуют ваших учеников:


Это задание позволит студентам попробовать себя в роли сценаристов и актеров. Суть задания — одному или паре студентов необходимо создать диалог на основе нескольких готовых фраз, а затем разыграть его перед группой.

Группу можно разделить так, чтобы несколько пар работали с первым диалогом, а остальные – со вторым. Просмотрев и прослушав всех «актеров», не забудьте вместе с учениками проголосовать за самые креативные и артистичные пары.


Повторение слов по теме «Еда» и «Животные» может получиться очень непредсказуемым и забавным.

В зависимости от количества людей, студенты работают индивидуально или в парах.

Каждый участник или пара выбирает одну карточку с изображением животного и другую — с едой. Их главная задача – помочь животным избежать исчезновения, скрестив их с разными пищевыми продуктами и получить новый вид – foodimal .

Этот новый вид студентам необходимо нарисовать и придумать ему название (напр. mosquito+ toast = mosquitoast; bat+noodle=boodle). Далее ученики должны презентовать свое животное, рассказать о месте его обитания, чем он питается, кто его враги и как он приспособлен к выживанию на нашей планете.

Перед началом каждой презентации, дайте остальным ученикам возможность отгадать составляющие каждого фудимала. Поощряйте студентов задавать вопросы после каждой презентации.


Часто учителя сталкиваются с проблемой, когда ученики не слушают ответы своих одногруппников на вопрос учителя. Либо им не интересно, либо они сосредоточены на построении своих ответов.

Чтобы вовлечь каждого ученика, можно сделать задание более необычным. Это задание подойдет для практики герундия и инфинитива — тем, которые не всегда вызывают много энтузиазма у изучающих английский.

Каждый студент выбирает себе вопрос и отвечает на него – все просто. Уловка в том, что необходимо заменить ключевое слово или фразу в ответе на абсолютно другое, не относящееся к теме вопроса. Остальные студенты должны догадаться, о чем шла речь. Вы сами можете предложить ключевое слово (например, известные персонажи, такие как Santa Clause или Sponge Bob), которое все студенты будут использовать в своих ответах.

Предположим, студенту достался вопрос: What is something you re pla n n ing to do soon?

Его ответ может выглядеть так: «I’m planning to find a new Sponge Bob. It’s challenging because there aren’t many Sponge Bobs that I’d like to do. I found my previous Sponge Bob on the Internet but it turned out to be low-paid and depressing. Now I’m looking for a Sponge Bob that can make me happy».

Как вы догадались, речь шла о работе, но Спанч Боб смог сделать этот рассказ особенным. Таким же способом можно ответить и на остальные вопросы.

Материалы : пустой лист

И еще одно задание, которое включает рисование! Оно отлично подойдет для повторения лексики связанной с одеждой, внешностью человека и частями тела.

Шаг 1. Выдайте каждому студенту чистый лист бумаги. Цель этого упражнения – общими силами нарисовать человека.

Шаг 2. Ученик начинает рисовать человека (начинаем рисунок с головы, затем шея, туловище и т.д.) Каждый студент рисует только одну часть тела.

Шаг 3. После каждого этапа студенты сворачивают лист так, чтобы скрыть ту часть тела, которую они нарисовали, и передают его дальше по часовой стрелке. Таким образом, каждый ученик привносит что-то свое, не видя общей картины. Напомните студентам, что каждого человека нужно рисовать в одежде и с аксессуарами, добавляя запоминающиеся черты к их внешности (усы, шрам, очки, татуировка и т.д.).

Проверяйте, чтобы все вовремя передавали друг другу рисунки. После последнего обмена, предложите студентам развернуть свои листочки и посмотреть на конечный результат.

Студенты низких уровней могут описать внешность и одежду человека на рисунке, который им достался. Высоким уровням можно усложнить задачу – пусть они используют свое воображение и расскажут личную информацию о Mr. X (имя, род деятельности, семейное положение, место проживания, хобби) и расскажут интересные факты из его жизни.


Настоящие актеры вкладывают в роли все свои эмоции и чувства, чем и займутся студенты на занятии, разыгрывая диалоги из известных фильмов.

Шаг 1. Для начала нужно выписать незнакомые слова со всех диалогов и разобрать их значение со студентами.

Шаг 2. Каждая пара выбирает диалог и знакомится с его содержанием.

Шаг 3. Теперь пришло время для чувств – все получают карточки с различными эмоциями, которые не всегда будут совпадать с тем, что происходит в диалоге. Задача студента – прочитать свои строчки диалога, используя только ту эмоцию, которая ему досталась.

Остальные попытаются отгадать фильм и персонажей, а также назвать эмоции, которые были переданы каждой парой. И конечно, самая экспрессивная пара заслуживает «Оскар» и аплодисменты зала!

Эти задания помогут вам сделать свои уроки веселыми и запоминающимися. Good luck!